This is part of a separate multi-year list by release date of international (now including the USA, which was once listed separately) promo and commercially-released stereo 7" and 12" singles and EPs for 1973 that have been referred to me but do not qualify for my Searching For A Gem list because they contain only performances which are available on officially released Dylan albums. Nevertheless, their interest value or scarcity means they're worth listing here - as far as I know many are not included on any other Internet site. Special thanks to Hans Seegers for many of these items! (As far as I know, no 12" singles were released in this time period.) Stereo promo versions of commercially released singles that were formerly listed in the Promotional Items sections of the yearly pages are now listed here. Singles from this period released exclusively for promotional purposes are now here also. I would also like to include cassette singles here, but I don't have any, and none have been notified to me so far (I don't think any belong to this time period).
If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to
existing entries, please let me know!
Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities -
see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the
dealers on my Trading page for assistance!
Revised 08 March, 2024.
"Just Like A Woman"/"I Want You" - 7" stereo singles in "Hall Of Fame Hits" series, CBS 1158 (UK), Apr 1973; S CBS 1158 (UK), late 1970s, 1979:
![]() CBS 1158 (UK) - front scan by Hans Seegers |
These singles contains a slightly extended version of the A-side, so are also listed in 1973. |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - B-side with R-0434, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release, push-out centre) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - B-side with R-0434, scan by Manuel García Jara (1973 release, solid centre) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - B-side with R-0434, scan by Kenneth Robson (mid 1970s release variant 1) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - A-side in CBS UK sleeve, scan by Kenneth Robson (mid 1970s release variant 1) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - A-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel (mid 1970s release variant 2) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - A-side scan by Ger Hemel (mid 1970s release variant 2) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - B-side in CBS sleeve, scan by Ger Hemel (mid 1970s release variant 2) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (1979 release) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (1979 release with "LC|0149" code) |
![]() S CBS 1158 (UK) - B-side with R-0434, scan by Manuel García Jara (1979 release) |
The rare 1973 release had plain orange CBS labels and came with an orange picture sleeve. The catalogue number was "CBS 1158" on the sleeve and "S CBS 1158" on the record labels. Two label variants are shown, one with a push-out centre and one with a solid centre.
Later releases of this "Hall Of Fame Hits" single had orange/yellow CBS labels and generic sleeves. Ger Hemel's copy has a significantly smaller "BOB DYLAN" vertically to the left of the centre hole than Kenneth Robson's copy. Ger's single comes in a generic CBS UK sleeve of a style used from 1978 (see International 7" Single Sleeves).
The 1979 release labels have the EU Label Code "LC|0149" in a capsule above the catalogue number to the right of the centre hole, missing on the late 1970s release. On all labels the name of producer Bob Johnston was misspelled as "Johnson". Larry Crum has a copy of this single with the orange/yellow labels and states that this appears to be the same as the original stereo version from the 1966 Blonde On Blonde LPs, although it plays noticeably slower, which may account for the extra length.
For locations of other "Hall Of Fame" singles: those containing rarities, those in mono, and those in stereo, see "Hall Of Fame".
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson, Manuel García Jara and Ger Hemel for information and scans.
"Wigwam"/"Copper Kettle" - 7" stereo singles, CBS
S 5122
(NL for Denmark/Sweden), 1973:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Self Portrait.
For the Dutch stereo single, see
International 7" Stereo Singles & EPs 1970.
CBS S 5122 (NL for Denmark), 1973:
![]() CBS S 5122 (NL for Denmark) - front scan by Hans Seegers |
Denmark had a mono release of Wigwam in 1970 (see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76) and this stereo reissue in 1973. This was imported into Denmark from Holland, with a sleeve unique to Denmark, although printed in Holland. Lars M. Banke adds regarding the sleeve of the Danish single, which I wrongly listed as being for school radio only: "The text means "The theme from TV's "Focus"". The story behind the single is that "Wigwam" was used as the signature tune or theme for a programme titled "Focus" broadcast by the Danish national television channel. And as there was only one national Danish channel when the single was released, there was no need to mention which channel on the sleeve - just "TV"." |
![]() BOB DYLAN 1-2, by Harly Sonne, Danmark Skoleradio 1971, scan by Lars M. Banke |
Lars also has a 20-page Bob Dylan booklet that was released by Danmark Skoleradio [Denmark School's Radio] for school radio in 1971. There are two alternate front sleeves for this single, one is has a mustard-coloured background and is smooth, the other has a brown background and is rough.
CBS S 5122 (NL for Sweden), 1973:
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Lars M. Banke, Manuel García Jara and Ger Hemel for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door" - 7" single-sided stereo acetates, Columbia Studios, Nashville, TN (USA), Jul 1973:
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door" - 7" mono/stereo promo single, Columbia 4-45913 (USA), 8 Aug 1973:
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - mono side of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0536) |
This single contains a rarity on the mono side, for full details,
see 1973. Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - stereo side of promo single, scan by Hans Seegers |
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, Columbia 4-45913 (USA), Sep 1973:
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - stereo side of promo mono/stereo single, scan by Hans Seegers |
The mono/stereo white label promo single of Columbia 4-45913 contains a rarity on the mono side, for full details, see 1973. The second white label promo has the same tracks as the commercial single with "DJ RESERVICE" above "STEREO" to the left of the centre hole. |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - mono side of promo mono/stereo single, scan by Hans Seegers (R-0536) |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - second promo single, A-side scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers (first variant strip) |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - commercial single, A-side scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - commercial single, B-side scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - commercial single, misprint B-side scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - commercial single, alternate A-side scan by Dag Braathen |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - commercial single, alternate B-side scan by Dag Braathen |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers (first variant with "HIT" and "POP") |
![]() Columbia 4-45913 (USA) - jukebox strip scan by Hans Seegers (third variant) |
Tom Willems has a copy of this with the B-side label on both sides! The record plays correctly. There is also a second variant with misprinted labels with the B-side label replaced by the A-side label of a single by Tanya Tucker called The Missing Piece Of Puzzle. Dag Braathen's copy has an alternate label design with the text in a different type face.
This record was made available for juke box use with three different strips: the first design is orange/black with a shaded background and the text "HIT" and "POP" on the centre line. The second shaded version omits the text and is in red/black, while the third is also in red/black with a white background.
For international commercial and promo stereo releases, see below.
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, Columbia 4-45913 (Canada), Sep 1973:
Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, S CBS 1762 (UK), 14 Sep 1973:
This single was re-released in 1978, 1980 and 1981, also without a picture sleeve - it remained on sale until Oct 1983.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Kenneth Robson and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" promo and commercial stereo singles, CBS S 1762 (NL/West Germany), 14 Sep 1973:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid.
The German promo single (which contained the regular record) had a promo "CBS-Blitzinformation [CBS-Lightning Information]" sleeve with release-specific text on the front and a generic rear sleeve. The German regular sleeve uses one of the Bangladesh Concert pictures of Bob from 1971.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" single, CBS 1762 (France), Sep 1973:
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" single, CBS 1762 (Italy), Sep 1973, re-released as part of the 4 x 7" single promo boxed set "Radio Capital Presenta", Columbia/Sony Music 19075871917 (Italy), 2018:
CBS 1762 (Italy), 1973:
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - front scan by Ronald Born |
The Italian single has a unique picture sleeve taken from the film of Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid. Manuel García Jara has a promotional copy of the Italian release of CBS 1762 - it has the orange commercial CBS labels with "DISCO CAMPIONE NON VENDIBILE [SAMPLE DISC NOT FOR SALE]" stamped on the B-side. For a mono Italian 7" jukebox single with a no Dylan B-side, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76. Sergio Mariano Romay points out his Italian copy has stamped matrix numbers: Side 1 - S CI 1762 1N 29/10/73 (29 Oct 1973), Side 2 - S CI 1762 2N 14/11/73 (14 Nov 1973). As these contain pressing dates, the single must date from Nov 1973. |
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - acetate B-side in handwritten sleeve, scan by François Guillez |
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - acetate A-side scan by François Guillez |
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - acetate B-side scan by François Guillez |
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy) |
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - detail of B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo copy) |
![]() CBS 1762 (Italy) - B-side scan by Ronald Born (commercial release) |
François Guillez has a CBS-Sugar acetate in a
plain white sleeve with handwriting on the front. The record has CBS-SUGAR
labels with typed/handwritten text.
Columbia/Sony Music 19075871917 (Italy), 2018:
Columbia 19075871917 (Italy) - box spine scan by
Manuel García Jara
Columbia 19075871917 (Italy) - detail of box rear, scan
Manuel García Jara ("(P) 2018 & (C) 1973", "Sony Music Entertainment Italy
S.p.A.", made in Gütersloh, Germany)
Columbia 19075871917-2 (Italy) - detail of rear, scan by
Manuel García Jara ("(P) 2018 & (C) 1973", "Sony Music Entertainment Italy
S.p.A.", made in Gütersloh, Germany)
This rare 2018 promo box from the Italian station Radio Capital was manufactured by Columbia/Sony Music in Gütersloh, Germany and distributed by Sony Music Entertainment S.p.A., Italy. The box contains an 8-page booklet, all pages of which are shown, together with four 1973 7" vinyl singles in reproductions of their original sleeves. Although the order of the singles listed on the box is Bob Dylan, Santana, Boston and Mott The Hoople, the singles are actually numbered: Boston - Columbia 19075871917-1, Bob Dylan - Columbia 19075871917-2, Mott The Hoople - Columbia 19075871917-3, Santana - Columbia 19075871917-4. These numbers are on the rear sleeves only, not the singles themselves.
Thanks to Ronald Born, Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"- 7" stereo single, CBS 8333 (Italy), 26 Feb 1980:
This single is also listed in International 7" and 12" Stereo Singles & EPs 1980-83.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" single, CBS 1762 (Yugoslavia), Sep 1973, re-released 1980s:
![]() CBS 1762 (Yugoslavia) - front scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() CBS 1762 (Yugoslavia) -B-side picture from (1980s release) |
The Yugoslav single again has a unique picture sleeve taken from the film of Pat Garrett & Billy The Kid. Suzy Records of Zagreb (now in Croatia) was a subsidiary of CBS Records. The record had orange CBS labels originally, but was re-released in the 1980s with the new design orange/yellow CBS labels.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Llamando A La Puerta Del Cielo [Knockin' On Heaven's Door]"/"La Caza Del Pavo [Turkey Chase]" - 7" stereo single, CBS 1762 (Spain), Sep 1973, re-released mid-1970s:
Manuel García Jara's copy of the 1973 single is slightly different from Han's copy. On the A-side all text elements to the right of the centre hole are positioned lower and more to the right, e.g. "(P) 1973 CBS, Inc" is near to "EN" (text in the circumference) instead of the "o" of "Fabricado" and the "(P) is above the "RT" of "PUERTA" instead of "E". On the B-side the gap "(P) 1973 CBS, Inc" and "LA CAZA DEL PAVO" is noticeably bigger on Manuel's copy than on Hans'.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Francisco Fernandez and Manuel García Jara for information and pictures.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" stereo singles, CBS 1762 (Sweden), Sep 1973:
The record of the Swedish release CBS 1762 was made in Sweden as illustrated but it used the Dutch sleeve shown above. The Swedish single occurs with three variants: open, push-out and solid centres. Jan Halfdan Petersen's copy shown with the solid centre came in a 1973 CBS "THE MUSIC PEOPLE" generic sleeve (see 7" Single Sleeves), but it may be because the original Dutch sleeve for this Swedish single has been lost. Tommy Lidgren has a copy with the solid centre in a completely different sleeve with "THE MUSIC COMPANY", and also a copy with the open centre in a French sleeve as also shown above. |
![]() "THE MUSIC PEOPLE" sleeve scan by Hans Seegers |
![]() CBS 1762 (Sweden) - A-side in "THE MUSIC COMPANY" sleeve, scan by Tommy Lidgren (solid centre) |
![]() CBS 1762 (Sweden) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (all variants) |
![]() CBS 1762 (Sweden) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (push-out centre) |
![]() CBS 1762 (Sweden) - A-side scan by Lars M. Banke/Jan Halfdan Petersen (solid centre) |
![]() CBS 1762 (Sweden) - B-side scan by Lars M. Banke/Jan Halfdan Petersen (solid centre) |
I understood previously that all CBS Scandinavian singles were pressed at the PolyGram plant in Oslo, Norway, and distributed throughout Scandinavia in locally printed sleeves. However, three Dylan 1970s singles including this one were pressed in Sweden at a different plant, and all have "MADE IN SWEDEN" at the bottom of the labels.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Lars M. Banke, Jan Halfdan Petersen, Tommy Lidgren and Lars M. Banke for information and scans.
"Llamando A Las Puertas Del Cielo [Knockin' On Heaven's Door]"/"La
Caceria Del Pavo [Turkey Chase]" - 7" single,
CBS 7184 (Mexico), 1973:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Pat Garrett &
Billy The Kid.
This single has orange CBS labels with song titles translated into Spanish. The Spanish translations of the song titles are slightly different from those of the Spanish single above. It has a generic "Exitos De... [Hits Of...] folded sleeve with a picture of Bob Dylan. The sleeve could be used for any Dylan single, but this was the first single for which it was used. The front has extra text "LADO A: [SIDE A:]" and "LADO B: [SIDE B:]" so that the song titles can be handwritten. There is a similar sleeve with "Exitos De Santana". "Radio Éxitos" and "Radio Variedades" are two radio stations based in Mexico City belonging to GRC (Grupo Radio Centro), the most important broadcasting company in Mexico.
Thanks to Éamonn Ó Catháin for finding a copy in a generic sleeve on eBay - the single is the same as shown. Another copy in the orange sleeve shown went for a high price on eBay, but although the record itself is genuine, the "picture sleeve" is highly suspicious - the photo used is a crop of one of Bob and Sara in Woodstock in 1965 taken by Daniel Kramer as shown, an unusual choice for a CBS company to use in 1973 when the other singles with picture sleeves on this page used contemporary photos.
Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7" singles,
CBS BA-222006 (Australia)/CBS BA 461476 (New Zealand), Sep 1973:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Pat Garrett &
Billy The Kid.
Manuel García Jara's Australian copy has a stamped "10-3" on the A-side, this may be an American style date - Oct 3rd. Thanks to Bill Hester for information about the New Zealand release, CBS BA 461476.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Dag Braathen and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7"
promo and commercial stereo/mono singles, CBS SSC.1282 (South Africa), 1973 (two
These two songs were the regular album versions from Pat Garrett &
Billy The Kid.
Thanks to Manuel García Jara and François Guillez for information and scans.
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Turkey Chase" - 7"
promo and commercial stereo/mono singles, CBS 33818 (Brazil), 1973:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Pat Garrett &
Billy The Kid.
Hans Seegers' promo single is identical to the commercial single on the A-side, but has a small black stamp with "AMOSTRA INVENDÁVEL [SAMPLE NOT FOR SALE]" on the B-side. Manuel García Jara's promo single is the opposite, with the stamp on the A-side.
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
Various Artists - untitled compilation EP, Royal Sound TKR-099 (Thailand), 1973:
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Just Like A Woman" - 7" metal acetate, CBS/Sony (no catalogue number) (Japan), Aug 1973:
![]() Front of sleeve, scan by Wil Gielen |
This acetate in a plain white sleeve has the album track from Pat Garrett &
Billy The Kid on the A-side and the 2:56 edit of the mono version of Just
Like A Woman on the B-side. Because this is a rarity, full details are in
1973. Thanks to Wil Gielen for information and scans. |
"Knockin' On Heaven's Door"/"Billy 4" - test pressing
and 7" promo and commercial singles,
CBS/Sony SOPB 257 (Japan), 21 Sep 1973:
These two songs were the regular album versions from Pat Garrett &
Billy The Kid. This is the only appearance of Billy 4 on 7" vinyl.
The test pressing dated "9-21" (21 Sep 1973) is a very rare item, with a completely different insert from other promo and commercial releases of the single. It has plain white labels with hand-stamped catalogue numbers and Japanese characters indicating a sample, plus red handwritten text in Japanese. The record came in a green generic CBS/Sony Japanese sleeve. For this generic sleeve, see 7" Single Sleeves. Francisco Fernandez has a copy with the same insert and CBS/Sony sleeve as Hans Seegers' copy and the same white labels, but with different Japanese handwritten text in red.
The promo single also came in a green generic CBS/Sony Japanese sleeve.
The commercial single is also comparatively rare. The record came in a generic sleeve with a folded insert - the inside of the insert (not shown) has the story of the film in Japanese and the lyrics in Japanese and English.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Ronald Born, Sam C. Visser and Francisco Fernandez for information and pictures.
Chicago - "Feelin' Stronger Every Day"/Bob Dylan - "Knockin' On Heaven's Door" - 7" jukebox single, CBS YD 351 (Italy), 29 Oct 1973:
"A Fool Such As I" - radio station promo stereo/mono 7" singles, Columbia 4-45982/JZSP 159121 (USA), 19 Nov 1973:
![]() Columbia 4-45982 promo 7" single (USA) - stereo side with song wrongly credited to Buford Abner, scan by Hans Seegers |
This promo 7" single has the same song on both sides, in mono and
stereo. As both of these tracks are rarities, see here. See here for a note about writer credits, as the song is often wrongly credited by Columbia to Buford Abner, but it was actually written by Bill Trader. Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. |
![]() Columbia 4-45982 promo 7" single (USA) - mono side with song wrongly credited to Buford Abner, scan by Hans Seegers |
A Flying Pig production
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