All the songs listed in the Official
Rarities section are cross-referenced by song title in these
alphabetical pages.
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This page contains all 1966 7" singles/EPs with Rainy Day Women #12 & 35. It has been separated from 1966 because of the length of that page. "Blonde On Blonde" album releases with rarities and the major 1966 Dylan 7" singles/EPs with rarities are now listed here:
If you have any entries to add to the list or additions/corrections to
existing entries, please let me know!
Please note I cannot value your Dylan rarities -
see the Mission page for reasons why. Contact the
dealers on my Trading page for assistance!
Revised: 26 January, 2024.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono promo and commercial singles, Columbia 4-43592 (USA), 22 Mar 1966:
Thanks to Ian Woodward for pointing out that the Artist's Contract Card illustrated on an inside page of the 2015 6CD set The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 - Bob Dylan 1965-1966 The Cutting Edge Deluxe Edition (printed on the card pocket holding CD3) shows the release date of Columbia 4-43592 as "3/22/66" (22 Mar 1966). This is slightly earlier than previously thought. Éamonn Ó Catháin has found a Personality Radio Chart for Chicago, IL, for Friday 13 May 1966 listing Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 as #3, having been played for seven weeks, which gives a start date for radio play date as around 25 Mar 1966, confirming Ian's March date. The US trade ad on the right appeared in the 2 Apr 1966 issue of "Billboard" magazine, which was on sale from 27 Mar 1966. "Billboard" is aimed at the music trade and the form on the bottom asked the applicant's job title and the options were all music business jobs.
Columbia 4-43592 (USA), 22 Mar 1966:
These singles did not have picture sleeves. Thanks to Geoff Lambourn for finding a copy of the first commercial single variant on eBay with a fake picture sleeve. This sleeve even has the EMI Columbia logo as then used in the UK at top right, not a genuine US Columbia logo! It also has "Pledding My Time" instead of Pledging my Time! Thanks to Sergio Mariano Romay for finding a later version with the spelling mistake corrected but still with the wrong Columbia logo!
According to the matrix numbers Pledging My Time (JZSP 113563) must have been intended to be the A-side, as Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is JZSP 113564, but the single was never marketed like that. For an even shorter edit of Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 (2:06) on the UK's version of Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits, see 1967. Manuel García Jara has a jukebox copy of the commercial single which comes in a blue Columbia US generic sleeve with jukebox strips. Manuel also has a second variant of the commercial single which has the A-side song title on one line instead of two. The B-side looks the same as the first variant B-side.
A completely different stereo single of Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 was issued in Japan in 1968 (CBS/Sony SONG 80165) - this is also very hard to find and expensive but it does not have the edited version as here and is thus placed on the International 7" Stereo Singles 1968-69 page.
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-(SV)6 (USA), 6 Nov 2015:
![]() Columbia/Legacy 8887512440211 (USA) - photo from |
The 18CD Collector's Edition of The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 - Bob Dylan 1965-1966 The Cutting Edge includes nine of the mono 7" singles released in 1965 and 1966 with new picture sleeves and a "leopard-skin" spindle with which to play the singles. Columbia 4-43541 from Feb 1966 is included as Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-(SV)6 with the US commercial single labels. The front and rear are from the Italian single release CBS 2307 below. |
![]() Columbia/Legacy 8887512440211 (USA) - front of box (my copy) |
Columbia/Legacy 8887512440211 (USA) - "leopard-skin" spindle |
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-SV6 (USA) - front (my copy) |
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-SV6 (USA) - rear |
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-SV6 (USA) - detail of rear |
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-6 (USA) - A-side |
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-6 (USA) - detail of A-side (2:25) |
Columbia/Legacy 88875124402-6 (USA) - B-side |
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara, Éamonn Ó Catháin and Hilda Fernhout for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono single, Columbia 4-43592 (Canada), Apr 1966:
This single also did not have a picture sleeve. Note the different label design from the US single, including "PRINTED IN CAN." in the bottom circumference text. Again, Pledging My Time (JZSP 113563) must have been intended to be the A-side, as Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is JZSP 113564, but the single was never marketed like that. There are three record label variants with different text placements.
Variant 1: text higher than on Variants 2 and 3
Variant 2: A-side - all text is noticeably lower than for Variant 1. B-side - to the left of the centre hole "45 RPM" and "Time..." are noticeably further to the left, there are also differences between the Columbia logo on the right and the catalogue number below.
Variant 3: all the text (speed information, catalogue number and title track) is noticeable lower on both sides
Thanks to Tom Willems and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono acetate and singles, CBS 202307 (UK), May 1966:
Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
The commercial UK single occurs in two record label variants, neither with a picture sleeve. The first variant has songs credited to "Dwarf Music Ltd.", the second variant has songs credited to "B. Feldman". Manuel García Jara has a copy of the second "B. Feldman" variant with a solid centre. Manuel also has the B. Feldman sheet music for Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7"
mono singles, CBS 2307 (NL), May 1966:
Tom Willems says the book "Hypnotist Collectors" by Jean-Louis Dréau and
Robert Schlockoff (Média Presse, France, 1989) gives the release date of this
single as 30 May 1966, but the single entered the Dutch charts on 21 May 1966,
so was either released shortly before that, or the chart entry was based on
advance sales. Simon Blokker's Dutch copy (with record label catalogue number
"2.307", see below) has a date on the rear sleeve of
"20-5-'66" (20 May 1966), so Tom would appear to be correct.
The first label design has catalogue number "2.307" and "45 RPM" to the right of the centre hole in large letters, the second shows the number as just "2307" and also has "45 RPM" in large letters. The third design has catalogue number "2307" and "45 rpm" in small letters. Manuel García Jara has a copy of the first variant single where the "45 RPM" is centred over the copyright logos instead of being left-aligned as on Hans' copy.
Simon Blokker adds that the pressing of the vinyl of both singles is completely different. The duration of the songs is the same, but it looks like the grooves on "2.307" are much more compact than on "2307" (difficult to show on scans). The one with the more compact grooves ("2.307") has stamped matrix numbers: A-side - 2.307 1, B-side - 2.307 2 plus something like "JN" underneath the number on both sides. The one with the wider grooves ("2307") has matrix numbers: A-side - ZSP113564-2AC (stamped) 2307-A (handwritten), B-side - ZSP113563-1 (stamped) 2307-B (handwritten).
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Tom Willems, Manuel García Jara, Simon Blokker and François Guillez for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono promo singles, CBS DP 2307 (France), May 1966:
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo single, R-0051M, variant 1) |
This promo-only 7" mono single had white CBS labels. As far as I know this single was not released commercially, but these two tracks appeared on a French 7" mono EP, see below. The labels of Manuel García Jara's copy differ slightly from those of Hans Seegers' copy because the black variable text elements are printed lower on both sides. For the CBS generic sleeve used for this promo single, see 7" Single Sleeves. Thanks to Hans Seegers and Manuel García Jara for information and scans. |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo single, variant 1, same text on variant 2) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo single, variant 1) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - B-side scan by Hans Seegers (promo single, R-0052, variant 1) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of B-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo single, variant 1) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of B-side, scan by Hans Seegers (promo single, variant 1) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo single, R-0051M, variant 2) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo single, variant 2 - text elements lower) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (promo single, R-0052, variant 2) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo single, variant 2 - text elements lower) |
![]() CBS DP 2307 (France) - detail of B-side, scan by Manuel García Jara (promo single, variant 2 - text element lower) |
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono commercial single, CBS 2307 (West Germany), May 1966:
The sleeve and record were made in West Germany. The record has orange CBS labels.
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono commercial singles, CBS 2307 (Denmark/Norway/Sweden), May 1966:
Magne Karlstad has a unique early Norwegian copy where the front sleeve has a handwritten catalogue number of "2307" above the CBS logo. Olav Langum's later copy has "2.307" printed below the CBS logo. Magne Karlstad also has a very rare misprinted copy of this second design.
Thanks to Magne Karlstad, Olav Langum and Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono jukebox and commercial singles, CBS 2307 (Italy), 23 Jun 1966:
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono single, CBS LL-928-C (Japan), 23 Jun 1966:
This Japanese single in a generic sleeve with a four page folded insert is very hard to find and expensive.
Bizarrely, the record labels of Wil Gielen's copy each have a sticker over the CBS logo and a ring of tape covering the copyright information round the circumference of the label. The reason why this should have been done is obscure. Wil's copies of Just Like A Woman/Obviously 5 Believers (CBS LL-987-C, 1965, see 1966 Just Like A Woman) and Subterranean Homesick Blues/She Belongs To Me (CBS LL-764-C, 1965, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1965) also have the same defacing, so have come from the same source. Apparently similar taping has been found on items imported from Hong Kong, so these may have been exported from Japan to another Far East country. Sonny Boy McFitzson believes that these copies were actually bought after Sony Music bought CBS Japan from Nippon Columbia, so the stickers are to cover Nippon Columbia's trademarks.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Wil Gielen, Manuel García Jara and Sonny Boy McFitzsonfor information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono singles, CBS BA-221281 (Australia)/CBS BA-461095 (New Zealand), 23 Jun 1966:
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono single, CBS 2-488 (Malaysia), 1966:
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono single, CBS SSC.667 (South Africa), 1966:
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Pledging My Time" - 7" mono single, CBS SSC.667 (Rhodesia), 1966:
"Una Mujer En Un Día Lluvioso Nos. 12 y 35 [Rainy Day Women #12 & 35]"/"Mi Tempo Es Tuyo [Pledging My Time]" - 7" mono single, CBS 5915 (Mexico), 1966:
![]() CBS 5915 (Mexico) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0051M) |
Although Blonde On Blonde was never released in Mexico (nor in South America), there were two singles taken from this album that were released in Mexico, this one and I Want You/Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues, see here. |
![]() CBS 5915 (Mexico) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara ("HECHO EN MEXICO") |
![]() CBS 5915 (Mexico) - B-side scan by Manuel García Jara (R-0052) |
![]() CBS 5915 (Mexico) - A-side in generic sleeve, picture from eBay |
"Rainy Day Women" is incorrectly translated into Spanish as "Una Mujer En Un Dia Lluvioso [A Woman And A Rainy Day]. It was translated into Spanish differently but also also incorrectly as "Una Mujer En La Lluvia [A Woman In The Rain]" in the Argentinean and Uruguayan compilations El Trovador De Nuestro Tiempo (see Mono Dylan-Only Compilation Albums 1960s) and Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits (the song was never released as a single there). In Spain, the CBS 5660 EP below and the album Blonde On Blonde have song titles in English only but this song was correctly translated in the plural as "Mujeres De Días Lluviosos" in the album Grandes Éxitos (see here). Pledging My Time is idiosyncratically translated here as "Mi Tiempo Es Tuyo [My Time Is Yours]"!
Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5660 (France), May 1966:
All three tracks on this EP are rarities!
R-0051M-2 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - single edit, mono version (2:26, album version is 4:38) For an even shorter edit at 2:06 on the UK version of the Greatest Hits album, see 1967.
R-0052-2 Pledging My Time - single edit, 2:06 (album version is 3:48)
R-0050-4 One Of Us Must Know (Sooner Or Later) - unfaded mono version, from mono release of Blonde On Blonde - see Mono Album Releases
Note the unique languette or index tab on the first two variants of the French EP sleeve - for more information about languettes, see 1965. The third and final sleeve variant is without the languette. The languette is also not present on the Spanish release of CBS 5660 below.
There is a black star stamp at lower right on the second and third rear sleeves while only the second variant has a pink stamped star at upper right. There are two record label variants with slightly different text positioning on the A-side.
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5660 (Spain), Sep 1966:
The sleeve exists in two variants: one with "DISCOPHON - BARCELONA" at the bottom left-hand side of the rear sleeve and one with "LIM - J. CORRALES, 42 - ESPLUGAS LL." in the same position. The "DISCOPHON" copy shown has an extra stamp below the EP picture but this has been added to the sleeve, Manuel García Jara also has a copy without it. The rear of the second sleeve is laminated and has a cutaway on the left-hand edge not present on the first sleeve. This also has the "J. CORRALES" text. Both the "DISCOPHON" sleeve and the cutaway sleeve come with the second label variant. The "CORRALES" sleeve without the cutaway can come with all four label variants.
Jim Siddy has timed the tracks on his copy and Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 is 2:16 (slightly shorter than R-0051M) and Pledging My Time is 1:58 (again shorter than R-0052). In this case I won't give these track exclusive R-numbers.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Manuel García Jara and Jim Siddy for information and scans.
"New Hits By Bob Dylan" - 7" mono EP, CBS EP 6288 (West Germany), 5 Jul 1966:
The record of the second variant copy shown has handwritten matrix numbers: Side 1 - CBS-EP-6288-A, Side 2 - CBS-EP-6288-B.
For other West German mono EPs without rarities, see the Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1966-68.
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Gerd Rundel and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
Various Artists - "This Is Folk Rock!! Vol. 2" - stereo vinyl LP, CBS YS-665-C (Japan), Jul 1966:
Despite the fact that Bob always rejected claims he invented or ever played
"folk rock", CBS insisted in sticking that label on him! For the first
album in the This Is Folk Rock series, see
Compilations: Various Artist Albums 1962-69.
![]() CBS YS-665-C (Japan) - front scan by Hans Seegers |
Side 1 had a rarity: R-0051 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - single edit, 2:26 (stereo version) Side 2 had One Of Must Know (Sooner Or Later) but it was the regular stereo album version, not the edited version (R-0380, 3:07) or the unfaded version (R-0050, 4:49) - for both of these see here. I also misreported that Side 2 of this album had the stereo version of Can You Please Crawl Out Your Window? - this is now confirmed to be the "standard" mono version, as found on Biograph (1985, remastered CD reissue 1997) and the 2000/2001 Essential Bob Dylan/Ultimate Bob Dylan compilations. The only occurrence of the stereo version R-0513 until 2015 was on a CBS stereo acetate, see 1965. (The CBS Spanish 7" EP and singles released in 1972 are now proved to have the track in mispressed mono, not stereo.) The single version released in Nov 2015 on the 18CD Collector's Edition of The Cutting Edge 1965-1966: The Bootleg Series Vol. 12 (CD10, track 12) is in stereo and has been remixed from the original tapes. R-0513 will still remain a rarity, because of the limited availability of this massive set. |
![]() CBS YS-665-C (Japan) - rear scan by Hans Seegers |
The other tracks on the album are from the Byrds, Simon & Garfunkel, Chad & Jill Stuart and Chad & Jeremy. Label scans required!
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans.
"I Want You"/"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35" - 7" mono single, CBS BA 301111 (Greece), 1966:
![]() CBS BA 301111 (Greece) - A-side scan by Manuel García Jara |
This single again had no picture sleeve and came in a generic CBS sleeve. The record has orange CBS
labels. The length of the A-side is not given, but I assume it is the 2:54
edit R-0322, so also see
here. The length of the B-side is not given,
but I assume it is the 2:26 edit R-0051M. At this time CBS records were
distributed from Athens by a company called "Music-box". This sleeve
therefore has the words 'Distributed by "Music-box" Athens' overprinted. Thanks to Manuel García Jara for information and scans. |
![]() CBS BA 301111 (Greece) - detail of A-side, scan by Manuel García Jara |
![]() CBS BA 301111 (Greece) - A-side in sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara |
Various Artists - "Number One American Hit Parade" - mono vinyl LP releases, CBS 62.754 (France)/CBS 62754 (Israel), 1966:
Thanks to Hans Seegers for information and scans. Thanks to Tom Willems for pointing out this is the edited version of the track.
"Rainy Day Women #12 & 35"/"Like A Rolling Stone" - mono 7" single in "Hall Of Fame" series, Columbia 4-33100 (USA), Oct 1966(?):
![]() Columbia 4-33100 (USA) - A-side scan by Hans Seegers (1973?) |
I have this "Hall of Fame" reissue single with two
original A-sides dated as 1973, but there is evidence that Columbia 4-33100
was originally released in Oct 1966. For the mono single releases from 1973 onwards, see Mono 7" Singles & EPs 1970-76. For the location of all mono and stereo singles in the Columbia "Hall Of Fame" series, see "Hall Of Fame". For US and Canadian "Hall Of Fame" and Collectables 7" sleeves, see 7" Single Sleeves. |
"Bob Dylan" - 7" mono EP, CBS 5779 (Portugal), 1967:
R-0051M-5 Rainy Day Women #12 & 35 - single edit, 2:26 (mono version)
Keith Venturoni has a copy with first variant labels that plays the wrong tracks on the A-side, a 2:26 edit of the live version of Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues from Liverpool, 1966, B-side of the I Want You single (R-0054, 5:41, see 1966) plus I Want You. (2:26 is the length of the expected Rainy Day Women edit, R-0051M.) The B-side is Gates Of Eden as expected. Arie de Reus and Hans Seegers have copies like this as well, and as the edited live track is a rarity, details are also listed in 1966.
Are there any copies out there that play the correct tracks on the A-side? Information required!
The first two variants have "FABRICADO EM PORTUGAL [MADE IN PORTUGAL]" at the bottom of the labels, but the third variant (which may have been released later in the 1960s) has "FABRICADO EM PORTUGAL POR F.P.D. [MADE IN PORTUGAL BY F.P.D.]" at the bottom. "F.P.D." means "Fábrica Portuguesa de Discos" but the complete name of this company was actually "Fábrica Portuguesa de Discos da Rádio Triunfo", then known as just "F.P.D." and later as just "Rádio Triunfo".
Manuel García Jara has a promo copy of the first variant
in a generic CBS Portugal orange/white sleeve, with a missing round promo
sticker on the A-side and a white rectangular sticker on the B-side with text in
CBS 5779 (Portugal) - detail of generic CBS Portugal
sleeve, scan by Manuel García Jara
Thanks to Hans Seegers, Arie de Reus, Keith Venturoni and Manuel García Jara for information and scans.
A Flying Pig production
Listings ©
The rights to material from all quoted contributors remain
with them. Copyright of all included artwork remains with the various record companies.
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