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Time Out Of Mind – The Dolby Atmos Mix (Fragments Bootleg Series 17)

Beyond everything else the comes with Bootleg Series 17: The Time Out Of Mind Sessions is the first Dolby Atmos Mix of a Bob Dylan album. This post describes what this means, and how you can listen to it – along with some commentary about the release itself. (Note: The Atmos Mix only covers the new album remix, not the outtakes or live tracks.)


What is Dolby Atmos / Spatial Audio

Dolby Atmos is a new kind of surround sound, built to provide an ‘immersive audio experience’ which means the sound seems to be coming from all around you. It is an evolution beyond stereo, and beyond traditional surround sound (which used 5, 7, 9 11 or more speakers) by adding height channels and enabling sounds to be ‘three dimension objects without horizontal or vertical limitations’. (More on Wikipedia)

Apple has adopted Atmos but they call it Spatial Audio (although recordings in AppleMusic that support it do have the Atmos label).

There are many ways to implement Atmos, and they do not all deliver the same effect or quality. As discussed below, Atmos on compatible headphones is immersive and cool, but not as impactful as Atmos on a well configured home receiver of 5.1, and the impact and quality continue to improve significantly as more and better speakers are added – theater configurations can have up to 64 speakers, and home setups can have up to 34. This is not to say that Atmos isn’t effective or immersive or enjoyable at the lower range, but it is important to know when you are and are not getting the full effect (especially before rendering judgement on it’s quality.)

The Time Out Of Mind Atmos Mix

The Time Out Of Mind (2022) remix was also done for Dolby Atmos by engineer Micheal Brauer and his colleague Fernado Reyes. It takes the 2022 remix and ‘spreads it around’ the soundscape available in Atmos.

To listen to a recording in Dolby Atmos, the recording must be encoded in Atmos, the delivery technology (hardware or streaming) must support it, and you must have a compatible speaker configuration or compatible headphones. If you listen to a recording that supports Atmos without the proper delivery technology or speakers/headphones you will just hear the normal stereo mix.

When you listen the vocals and instruments surround you in interesting and compelling ways. We’ve listened on Apple AirPods Pro (2nd Generation) and on AppleTV with a AV Receiver and 5.1.2 speaker system, with great results. The mix puts you in the middle of the band and sound.

There are two ways you can hear the Time Out Of Mind (2022) Atmos Mix:

  • The Atmos Mix is streaming on AppleMusic or Tidal (Spotify does not support Dolby Atmos).
  • You cannot access the Atmos mix from the CD or LP versions of the Fragments box set.
  • A Blu-ray Disc with the 24/96 Stereo mix and the Atmos Mix is for sale (for a limited time) via SuperDeluxeEdition.


How To Listen To The Atmos Mix

In order to hear the Atmos Mix you need four things:

  • The Atmos Mix: You can get it from AppleMusic (on iOS or AppleTV) or Tidal, or by owning the 2022 Time Out Of Mind Blu-Ray.
  • Compatible Hardware: Apple Devices (iPhone, iPad, AppleTV), or an Atmos-compatible Home Receiver.
  • Compatible Speakers: At least 5.1.1 speaker setup (or an Atmos Soundbar) but 7.1.2 or greater is recommended for full effect.
  • The Correct Settings: Below are sections with details on setting up and listening in the various environments.

Note that on headphones, and to some degree even with 5.1.2, speaker virtualization is being used to create the complete Atmos experience. The more actual speakers the system has, the more accurate and immersive the Atmos experience will be. Adding actual ‘height’ speakers to a 5.1.2 or 7.1.2 system for example would be a significant improvement. These can be wall or ceiling mounted, or ‘upward firing’ speakers. There are many YouTube videos about choosing and configuring speakers for an Atmos system.

Note: If you listen to a recording that supports Atmos without the proper delivery technology or speakers/headphones you will usually just hear the normal stereo mix. Some home receivers will mix the Atmos down the 5.1 surround if full Atmos is not supported.

Listening to Atmos On AppleMusic

Here are the ways you can listen to the Atmos Mix via AppleMusic.

  • Your Mac or iPhone must be compatible.
    • iPhone 11 and later
    • iPad 2018 or newer (most)
    • Mac 2018 or newer (most)
  • In Apple Music, you must enable Atmos
    • Mac: Music App >Settings > Playback > Dolby Atmos (Automatic or On)
    • Mac: Music App > Settings > Download Dolby Atmos (enable)
    • iOS: Setting > Music > Dolby Atmos (Automatic or On)
    • iOS: Settings > Music > Download in Dolby Atmos
    • If Using a DAC: Also enable Hi-Resolution Streaming and Download
    • Here is an article with more details about AppleMusic setup
    • Look for the Atmos Logo on the song details page


Listen on Atmos Compatible Headphones

    • Most headphones CANNOT play Atmos – Here are some that are compatible:
      • AirPods (3rd Gen), AirPods Pro (1 or 2), AirPods Max
      • Beats Solo Pro, Powerbeats Pro Wireless, Beats Flex Wireless, Sennheiser HD 560S
    • Enable Spacial Audio on AirPods (Some other headphones):
      • Open iOS Control Center
      • Press and hold volume
      • Tap Spacial Audio at lower right
      • Choose Fixed or Head Tracking


Listen via AppleTV 4K

    • Compatible Speaker Systems:
      • One or two HomePod speakers*
      • A television that supports Dolby Atmos audio
      • A Dolby Atmos compatible sound bar with a television that supports Dolby Atmos audio
      • A Dolby Atmos-enabled AV receiver
        • Works with 3.1.2, 5.1.2 up to 24.1.10 speaker configurations
    • Settings > Video and Audio > Audio Format and turn on Change Format (OFF)
    • Settings > Video and Audio > Immersive Audio > Dolby Atmos (ON)
    • Apple Links

Listen via HomePod

    • Apple HomePods (mini and maxi) can play Atmos
    • To Enable:
      • Home App > dots in upper right > Home Settings
      • Click Your Name > Media/AppleMusic > Dolby Atmos (on)
    • Note sometimes HomePods fail to play Atmos mix even when they should
      • Check for Atmos logo on AppleMusic player.

Listening to Atmos With Tidal

Tidal is compatible with Atmos,


Listening via the Time Out Of Mind Blu-Ray

With the Time Out Of Mind (2022) Blu-Ray you need a blu-ray player, a digital connection to your Atmos compatible receiver or amp, and ideally at least a 5.1.1 or better yet a 7.1.2 speaker system that has been configured for optimal Atmos quality.

Make sure your receiver/amp is configured to process/play Dolby Atmos.

To upgrade a 5.1 system to 5.1.2 you can add height speakers in the ceiling or wall, or add upward firing speakers such as these (or many others):

Turntable only w:tonearm 300x

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