S01.10 Robyn Hitchcock on Bob Dylan and Time Out Of Mind (+Ex)
Robyn Hitchcock is a broadly respected singer-songwriter with a lifetime of connections to Bob Dylan - he talks to us about Dylan and Time Out Of Mind.
Robyn Hitchcock is a broadly respected singer-songwriter with a lifetime of connections to Bob Dylan - he talks to us about Dylan and Time Out Of Mind.
Micheal Hacker talks about life as a Dylan fan in the years before Time Out Of Mind.
Larry Starr is the author of Listening to Bob Dylan, a music history professor, and in this discussion he talks to us about the musical tools and techniques that Dylan uses on Time Out Of Mind.
Wesley Stace shares his thoughts on seeing Bob Dylan live in the 80's and 90's and beyond. This is a Premium Member Only episode, taken from the same interview as Episode 07.
Wesley Stace shares his thoughts on Bob Dylan's Time Out Of Mind, based on his songwriter career (as John Wesley Harding) and life as a performing musician.
Ray Padgett is an expert on cover songs. He runs the Cover Me website, and and has written two books on cover songs. Ray shares his knowledge and impressions of Time Out Of Mind cover songs in this episode, playing and discussing his favorites and the history of other artists re-recording these great songs.
Scott Warmuth is a Dylan fan, scholar, and researcher who is known as the guy who discovered the 'late period' writing style of Bob Dylan by identifying hundreds of influences and borrowed lyric sources across all kinds of books, movies, magazines, and more.
Graley Herren is the author of 'Dreams and Dialogues in Dylan's Time Out Of Mind. In this episode, Graley summarizes and gives examples of his analysis of the lyrics of Time Out Of Mind in relation to Murder Ballads.
Mark Howard was the Engineer in charge of recording and mixing Time Out Of Mind, and he tells us about every phase of recording the record and shares great stories about how they got that sound and what it took to get the record finished and released.
The years before Dylan released Time Out Of Mind saw a young superstar become a middle aged man producing work that was not always loved. We set the stage for TOOM by looking back at the years that led up to it.