December 2 - 8, 2024

The Week in Bob Dylan

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Our favorite Dylan-related stories and links

  • Bob Dylan’s 60 Greatest Songs: Chosen by Paul McCartney, Bono, Patti Smith, Etc. (Mojo) [Rating: 10]
    • “A good song is like a basketball backboard, you bounce your life against it and you catch new ideas rebounding back at you.”
  • Rolling Thunder Roadie Rich Nesin Talks (Flagging Down The Double E’s) [Rating: 10]
    • “He’s talking about how he just felt really stagnant, like things just weren’t going anywhere for him, and then he said [Dylan voice] ‘And then I got lucky. I hooked up with Tooommm Petty.’”
  • When Dylan Was First Noted in Hometown Paper (Duluth News Tribune) [10]
    • "The Zimmermans' own Jewish child was first mentioned by name in the News Tribune on Aug. 31, 1945. The family was then still living in Duluth, and the paper reported that 'Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zimmerman and son, Robert, have returned from Hibbing where they were guests of Mrs. Ben Stone.'"
  • Allen Ginsberg on Heroes – 2 (Bob Dylan) (The Allen Ginsberg Project) [10]
    • "Also, as an oral poet he’s supreme: I think he can pronounce his vowels and consonants better than any other bard."
  • Like A Rolling Stone Pt.2 Jochen Markhorst (Untold Dylan) [8]
    • “Apparently, Dylan finds it more important to insert more sense-making qualifiers like ‘Miss Lonely’ and vile one-liners like ‘They’re drinkin‘, thinkin’ that they got it made’ than to keep the rhyme scheme at all costs.”

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The buildup to 'A Complete Unknown' continues.

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