Pod Dylan
A weekly podcast that celebrates the work of Bob Dylan, one song at a time. Host The Freewheelin’ Rob Kelly invites a different guest to discuss one of their favorites from the Dylan songbook, covering their history as a fan, the song’s history, live performances, and what it means to them. It’s a riot in more ways than one!

Episode 123 - Murder Most Foul
Rob welcomes back fellow Bobcat Tara Zuk to discuss "Murder Most Foul", Bob Dylan's first new song in eight years.
Have a question or comment?
E-MAIL: [email protected]
TARA ZUK - http://tarazuk.yolasite.com
Follow POD DYLAN on Twitter: @Pod_Dylan
Subscribe to the show on Apple Podcasts: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/pod-dylan/id1095013228
Complete list of all songs covered so far: http://fireandwaterpodcast.com/podcast/pod-dylan-the-songs
Find this song here: https://bobdylan.lnk.to/MurderMostFoulTA
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