Dylan.FM takes deep dives into specific albums/eras of Bob Dylan’s work. Show guests include insiders, authors, and fans as we work to understand and enjoy Dylan even more.

We're kicking off a new series on Dylan.FM called “Not Completely Unknown” focused on helping new Dylan fans learn more about the guy they met in the film, or the musician that they've never taken the time to get to know well. This will be an ongoing series of podcasts, blog posts, and social media chirps (primarily on Bluesky @dylan.thefm.club).
Three sources will frame the series:
- A Bob Dylan Primer: This is a 16 part series that walks through Bob Dylan’s career one phase at a time. It was created and produced by Michael Hacker, who has revised and updated the series for this presentation. One episode of this series will be released each week.
- Dylan Revisited: What began as a series of Tweet Threads which exquisitely condensed and presented key albums and events in Dylan’s life, later became a series of blog posts. and is now a podcast - all by writer Colm Larkin. A new episode and associated blog post will appear every week or two.
- Song & Dance Man: The Art of Bob Dylan: The first and many still believe best serious critical analysis of Dylan’s work comes from Michael Gray in his Song & Dance Man books. New excerpts from the book and recut versions of our chapter-by-chapter talks with Michael will be released throughout this series.
To get the posts and bonus material that accompany this series:
- Sign Up for Our Substack : The free level will include most of the series; there will be bonus material for paid supporters.
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