Jan 1 - 7

The Week in Bob Dylan

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  • OUTLAWS TOUR 27 Shows (June 21 - Sept 17)
  • 11 Done / 16 Remaining

Our favorite Dylan-related stories and links

      • Poet James Ragan Remembers Touring the Soviet Union with Bob Dylan (Flagging Down) [10]

        • "Ragan recounts his experiences touring the Soviet Union with Dylan, highlighting their shared moments and the cultural impact of their tour."

      • It’s All Over Now Joni’s Blue (Peter Stone Brown) [8]

        • "Peter Stone Brown explores the complex relationship and artistic intersections between Bob Dylan and Joni Mitchell."

      • Jokerman Excerpt (Michael Gray) [8]

        • "The chorus of ‘Jokerman’ may be skeletal and derivative, fleshed out only by Dylan’s extraordinary vocal resourcefulness (naturally he never sings it the same way twice), but the verses are richly textured and freely imaginative — carefully, densely structured yet rhapsodically fluent blocks of writing that glow with inspiration, recognisably of Bob Dylan’s making without ever being “Dylanesque”."

      • What the Broken Glass Reflects (Michael Sauve) [5]

        • "The tragedy, of course, is that the lessons of the past are often learned later than the opportunity to benefit from them. The narrator might apply these lessons to a future relationship, but it’s all too possible a future relationship of equivalent value will never present itself."

      • The Double Life of Bob Dylan Pt. 6 (Untold Dylan) [5]

        • "What Heylin does do however is admit that in these early years around the time of the first two albums, Dylan was “prepared to listen to anything” and this is an important comment because that was clearly a fundamental in allowing Dylan to explore so many styles across the years."


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