
Dylan.FM takes deep dives into specific albums/eras of Bob Dylan’s work. Show guests include insiders, authors, and fans as we work to understand and enjoy Dylan even more.


Your Host

Craig Danuloff

Craig is a long-time Dylan fan, collector and obsessive. An audiophile and avid concert go’er, he relishes the chance to talk Bob with other fanatics. He’s spent his career as a technology executive and entrepreneur.

S01.16 Pledging My Time with Bob Dylan's Band Members (New Book by Ray Padgett)

Ray Padgett is writing a new book that compiles 50+ interviews with musicians and others who've been involved with Bob Dylan's live shows. It's called Pledging My Time, and there is a pre-release Indiegogo campaign running that allows you to pre-order the book and take advantage of special bonus offers. The campaign runs through December 16, 2022 so we talked with Ray to learn more about the book, about the campaign, and to find out what he's learned talking to all these Dylan insiders.

Who's in the book?: Jim Keltner, Winton Watson, Benmont Tench, Larry Cambell, Stan Lynch, Early Sound Crew (David Robb, Keith Dircks, Fuzzy Frazer), Billy Cross, Richard Fernandez (Tour Manager), Christopher Parker, John Wurster, Ray Benson, Dickey Betts, Jeff Bridges, Harvey Brooks, Gary Burke, Marshall Crenshaw, Karl Denson, Leslie Dowdall, Ramblin' Jack, Kinky Friedman, Freddy Koella, Barry Goldberg, Spooner Oldham, Michael 'Soy Bomb' Portnoy, Duke Robillard, Fred Tackett, Richard Thompson, Happy Traum, and more.

Ray talked with us in Episode 03 about the cover songs made from Time Out Of Mind. He runs the Cover.Me website which reviews and discusses all kinds of cover song performances, and he's published two earlier books, one Cover Me that take a deep dive into twenty of the most iconic cover songs in history (including All Along The Watchtower and Make You Feel My Love), and a 33 1/3 book on Leonard Cohen's tribute album called I'm Your Fan.

Ray also runs a must-have Dylan email newsletter called Flagging Down The Double E’s. The newsletter does deep dives into legendary Dylan live shows, and has published some of the musician interviews that will be included in Pledging My Time.

There is an Extended Version of this episode, and a video available. Details below.


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Video Available


Dylan.FM is a podcast that good deep into specific Bob Dylan albums or periods - for months at a time. There are also some ‘special subject’ podcasts along the way. The show has featured Time Out Of Mind Engineers Mark Howard (1992 Mix) and Michael Brauer (2022 Mix), Authors Micheal Gray, Graley Herren, Howard Sounes and others, Musicians Robyn Hitchcock, Wesley Stace and others, and Dylanologists including Scott Warmuth, Laura Tenschert, and many more. Member of The FM Podcasts Network. 

  • Visit Dylan.FM to see all episodes or to follow the show in your favorite podcast app.

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S01.16 Pledging My Time with Bob Dylan's Band Members (New Book by Ray Padgett)